Women’s Empowerment Program

March 2019 brought the Women’s Empowerment Program to a close. As a project, these activities brought together women living in the St. Jamestown Community to provide social and mutual support through a community-building and empowering approach. There were numerous educational sessions that included parenting, legal, anti-oppression, violence against women, women’s rights, health, wellness, yoga, volunteering, financial literacy and more and many were organized in partnership with local agencies. At the end of March, we organized a wonderful community celebration that included a delicious South Asian lunch, henna hand painting, games, socializing and it was all kicked off with an exciting chance to participate in Bollywood dancing. CultureLink will be sustaining some activities through the ongoing services of Settlement Workers in Schools as we are located in numerous schools in the St. Jamestown area. We graciously thank the Ministry of Children’s and Community Services for program support.