Seniors Empowering Seniors (SES)

CultureLink’s Community Services Department is proud to present the Seniors Empowering Seniors program (SES) funded by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). Seniors Empowering Seniors (SES) is a Community-based project inspired and led by seniors, created for racialized, low-income newcomer and immigrant seniors, living marginalized and in poverty in the South-Parkdale and West-End of Toronto. This project will provide an opportunity for senior mentors (volunteers) to inspire and lead seniors to increase their overall well-being, social connections, independence, safety, inclusion, and civic engagement; this will be done by:

  • Enhancing leadership skills, mentoring, volunteerism, community participation, and social inclusion;
  • Increasing awareness of seniors rights, government services, programs and supports for seniors;
  • Expanding awareness of elder abuse, including financial abuse, and Online safety within their communities;
  • Enhancing problem-solving abilities and communication skills to overcome barriers such as accessing resources in their community;
  • Reduction of social isolation, and establishment of strong peer relationships and community connections with families and friends using the Internet and social media.

The project is based on leadership, volunteerism and community engagement, and on the sharing of experiences, skills and wisdom of a multicultural group of volunteer seniors with peer seniors that are marginalized, afraid and isolated and who do not have peer encouragement to access to community resources,  establish community and peer connections, and to be actively involved in their communities.

Claudia Rivera