English Conversation Circle for Seniors

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The Conversation Circles for Seniors’ Project (CCFS) is a program made for seniors, led and designed also by seniors.

Our goal is to empower vulnerable immigrant seniors. With this program, we aim to enhance this group’s inclusion and participation in the community. Because by helping them better integrate into society, we also help them improve their safety and well-being.

According to Statistics Canada, the proportion of seniors population has increased over the past 40 years. Studies show that these individuals are more likely to develop chronic health conditions. They are also more vulnerable to abuse than the rest of the population. Unfortunately, they are unlikely to report either one, because of social isolation, language barriers and other reasons.

Most immigrant seniors arrived in Canada many years ago. They worked to support their families without speaking the language and never having an opportunity to learn it properly. The English part of our sessions is meant to teach and improve their language skills. Their ability to communicate in an official language is key to develop their self-confidence and leadership skills. Furthermore, it makes it easier for them to socialize and access more resources.

The Conversation Circle provides a safe and open space for discussion on everyday topics and issues that affect them. Every session is an opportunity to create awareness of the different community resources that are available for them.

Through these English Conversation Circles, we provide experiential learning activities that target day-to-day challenges and give participants the tools to search for and receive more services.