CultureLink Welcomes New Executive Director Naguib Gouda

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November 9, 2020 – CultureLink, one of Canada’s leading settlement and community organizations, is pleased to welcome Naguib Gouda as its new Executive Director. Naguib replaces Ibrahim Absiye, who retires after a distinguished 13-year term.

“Naguib brings strong executive leadership and his lifelong volunteering and philanthropy commitment to CultureLink,” said Ruba Bilal, Chair of the CultureLink Board of Directors. “Naguib will build upon the strong foundation established by Ibrahim and lead our organization towards continued long-term excellence and growth.”

Naguib has held senior leadership positions with the Healthcare Supply Chain Network, Career Edge, the Alzheimer Society of Canada, the Ontario Medical Association, and York University. Prior to moving to the public and non-profit sectors, he held senior executive positions with the Bank of Montreal and Manulife.

Most recently, Naguib worked with Boards of public and not-for-profit bodies and associations to help solve complex organizational problems. His main areas of focus include sustainability, transformation, strategy, governance and funding.

Naguib is a committed educator and mentor, teaching French to students of all ages, including adults. He also coaches and advises those launching their careers and undergoing transitions through challenging and hopeful times.

He has served on a wide range of Boards in social services, education and the arts – and continues to do so as he gives back to the community and the country. His passion and focus are around human rights, mental health and education.

“As a new Canadian, I understand the vital impact that CultureLink has in our society,” said Naguib. “Connecting newcomers to jobs, schools, training, communities and opportunities does not just help them succeed – it helps Canada succeed. I am thrilled to lead CultureLink into an exciting new future and confident we will get through these difficult times for everyone together.”

Ibrahim Absiye will remain as Executive Director Emeritus until the end of 2020 to facilitate a smooth and seamless transition. Under Ibrahim’s leadership, CultureLink has expanded its mandate, developed new programs, and its staff of 75 members serve more than 20,000 new Canadians each year.

About CultureLink

Since 1988, CultureLink has been a settlement and community organization that develops and delivers services to meet the needs of diverse communities. CultureLink assists newcomers looking for employment, helps families navigate the school system, and provides youth with the skills necessary for bright and successful futures. Our 75 staff members and 500 volunteers speak more than 30 languages and serve more than 20,000 clients each year at no charge. CultureLink is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), Human Resource and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC), the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, the City of Toronto, the United Way Greater Toronto, and the Ontario Trillium Foundation. CultureLink also receives contributions from corporations, institutions, foundations and individuals.