The Pivotal Role We Played

Xiaoying arrived in Canada from China with her family. They immigrated seeking new opportunities and a better quality of life.

Despite having extensive work experience in the IT industry, she struggled to find employment and understand the Canadian job market. Luckily, she came across CultureLink and our Cybersecurity Training Program.

“I first learned about CultureLink when I was actively seeking resources to enhance my employability in Canada. Since my initial interaction with CultureLink, the organization has played a pivotal role in my settlement journey. The Cybersecurity Training Program was a turning point for me. It not only provided practical job-related skills but also boosted my confidence and helped me navigate the Canadian job market.”

The program helps newcomers like Xiaoying develop skills that are essential to finding a suitable job, such as resume writing, job searching, networking, etc.

“One memory that stands out for me is the experience of revising my resume with the program’s guidance. This might seem like a small task, but it turned out to be a significant step in my journey. Refining my resume not only sharpened my job-seeking approach but also boosted my self-assurance. It gave me a fresh perspective on how to present my skills and experience to potential employers, ultimately leading me closer to securing a suitable job opportunity.”

In the 10-weeks that it takes to finish the course, participants have a chance to meet with mentors, industry experts and other newcomers; all together a helpful support system for any new immigrant.

“I am genuinely grateful for the impact CultureLink has had on my life. The program, its mentors, and the friendships formed have made a tangible difference, helping me navigate the challenges of settling into a new country.”

Our Cybersecurity Training Program welcomes newcomers interested in IT, with or without experience in the field. For those who wish to pursue a career in the industry, however, the program will help them prepare for certification and connect with people that can guide their career path.

Like Xiaoying, many participants have found the program helpful in the path to find a job. Most importantly, they learned that they are not alone in their settlement journey. We understand the struggle of being new to the country and have the tools to help them feel at home in Canada.

“My journey from China to Canada has been one of growth and adaptation. CultureLink’s guidance has been pivotal in helping me overcome challenges and make meaningful progress.

Canada has indeed become my home, a place where I’ve grown both personally and professionally. Looking ahead, I aspire to further advance my career in the IT sector, contributing to my field and continuously learning. I also hope to establish stronger relationships within the local community and expand my social circle.

With the foundation I’ve built, I am excited to embrace the future with open arms and continue to contribute positively to my home.” – Xiaoying Wan