Celebrating Community: Vibrant Orientation Sessions

The last two Wednesday nights witnessed two vibrant gatherings, filled with community spirit and energy.
On March 20 and 27, 2024, over 250 individuals, representing various backgrounds, attended orientation sessions hosted by CultureLink at the Lithuanian House on Bloor Street West. Families from Haitian, Colombian, Venezuelan, and Canadian communities came together, fostering unity and sharing experiences.

The atmosphere buzzed with excitement and belonging as participants engaged in discussions led by knowledgeable panelists. Topics ranged from family reunification to navigating life in Canada, accompanied by interactive informative sessions. Attendees explored aspects of Canadian life with enthusiasm, supported by volunteers and our staff, who provided assistance and guidance.

Delicious cultural snacks and captivating performances added flavour and entertainment to the events, leaving attendees delighted. Behind the scenes, a committed team ensured seamless execution. Gratitude is extended to all contributors for their dedication to fostering community, hope, unity, and possibility.

As we reflect on these successful events, we look forward to future celebrations and connections, united in our shared journey towards a brighter tomorrow for those starting a new life in Canada.