On June 14th, staff from ParkBus’s NatureLink initiative and Parks Canada welcomed back another large group of participants to the Rouge National Urban Park – this time, to the Rouge Marsh and Beach sector.
Upon arrival, participants took part in an interactive “10 Essentials to Bring Along for Hiking” conducted by Parks Canada’s Learn to Camp outreach team. From there, the group split into two smaller groups – one headed and took the foot bridge towards the Pickering side and the other group did a guided hike along the soft sands of the Rogue beach.
The participants were mostly Mandarin/ Cantonese speaking seniors who had never had the opportunity to explore much outside the boundaries of downtown Toronto. They were delighted and grateful to have the opportunity to learn more about the park, enjoy the peace and tranquility of these scenic views and spotting some wild life along the way. The weather was cool, the sun was up and everyone was in great spirits!
This trip would not have been possible without the generous support from Park Bus and Parks Canada.