Bike to School

Our Bike to School program is all about recognizing and promoting the benefits of cycling for youth and the wider community. We work directly with students, teachers, parents and guardians to nurture a bike culture in schools across our city. The Bike to School Project is a collaboration between CultureLink, Cycle Toronto and the Toronto Cycling Think and Do Tank.

We’re proud that our cycling education programs have reached over 45,000 elementary and secondary school students and counting. We’ve also supported over a dozen secondary schools with a comprehensive cycling program, providing them with equipment, special events and support for bike clubs.

Our annual campaign Bike to School Week has involved over 130,000 students.

If you’re a newcomer from a country where cycling is more established as a mode of transportation, we would love for you to join us on one of our bike programs and encourage others to do the same. We also welcome contact from schools who would like to work with us to promote traveling by two wheels.


  • Enjoy the affordability, convenience and improved well-being that comes with cycling.
  • Make the most of the school commute as an opportunity to be outside, spend time together and give students a sense of independence.
  • Explore Toronto in an active and engaging way.
  • Reduce your carbon footprint/negative impact on the environment.
  • Meet like-minded individuals and be part of a positive initiative in your new community.


  • If you have a school-age child, you can take part in our Bike to School program.

How to join

  • If you work at a TDSB school, you can purchase bike programs from us on a fee-for service basis. We have an active partnership with TDSB and all our staff have completed the necessary first aid and CAN-BIKE training. To find out more about our rates and what’s involved, please email us at
  • If you’re a parent or administrator at a school near our Bike Hub at 15 Tobermory Drive, you can request free ‘Ready to Ride’ and ‘ABC Bike Safety Check’ workshops. You’ll receive multiple free cycling resources as part of this. To find out more, please email our Bike Hub at
  • If you have a general question about Bike to School or a new partnership idea, please contact us at or 416-420-3664.