Broadening Horizons at the Royal Ontario Museum

As of May 2016, CultureLink has become a Royal Ontario Museum Community Access Network (ROMCAN). ROMCAN enables CultureLink to take participants on group outings to the ROM thanks to the 600 free passes that have been awarded to the agency. We can now count our agency as one of 40 partner agencies that have this incredibly valuable access. ROMCAN exists to provide free access to communities who may not otherwise visit the ROM. CultureLink is pleased to be on board with ROMCAN and further advance the ROM’s goal to make their collection accessible to a greater diversity of the public.

This is very exciting news for people who are engaged in activities with CultureLink as, over the next year, staff will be going to the ROM on numerous excursions. In fact, staff and participants are so excited about this programs that in a matter of three months, CultureLink has already used over half of the passes available in over 15 group outings at the ROM for our eager participants.

Organized group outings to the ROM broaden the horizons of our participants, enrich social and learning and help create memories for people that may even lead to further involvement with the ROM’s many civic engagement opportunities. Important connections unfold through a ROM visit through the vast number of displays that focus on socio-cultural richness from all over the world. For most participants, it will be their first visit to Toronto’s prestigious ROM and this wonderful opportunity has been taken up with open arms and minds.