Canada Connects

Although moving to Canada comes with lots of exciting opportunities, we know there’s a lot to learn and understand before you can feel settled. Thankfully there are lots of Canadians who are just as keen to meet newcomers as you are to meet them. With the help of our partner, Harbourfront Centre, our Canadian Connects program links newcomers with established mentors to help you develop the skills and confidence you need to thrive in Canada.

Our aim is to find the best matches and encourage supportive friendships that benefit you and your mentor. A friendly face can make all the difference when it comes to practising a new language, adjusting to a different culture and completing the necessary administrative tasks, too.

This hugely positive initiative helps you become part of your new community, while teaching mentors about your country and culture, so we can all enjoy a diverse and inclusive way of life.


  • Meet a mentor who can be an important connection in your new community.
  • Practise your English conversation skills.
  • Increase your sense of belonging in Canada.
  • Take part in one-to-one and group interactions.
  • Build your social network.
  • Receive a reference letter when you complete the course.


  • To take part you need to be a Landed Immigrant or Convention Refugee, aged 19 or older.

How to join