CultureLink’s Bike to School Project – Building on Success!

This month, CultureLink received the wonderful news that our trailblazing Bike to School Project will be funded for the next three years by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Toronto District School Board. The Foundation will be investing $750,000 in our cycling education and engagement program; the TDSB is also making a significant contribution. With this support we look forward to greatly expanding our fleet of bicycles to better serve students in Scarborough, North York, Etobicoke and Downtown. We will help tens of thousands of students learn more about cycling and road safety, and train teachers to support after-school bike clubs. We will host an annual Bike to School Leadership Camp for high school students and teachers, and bring it all together during Bike to School Week, celebrated throughout the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.

Cycling is affordable, healthy and convenient. Cycling-friendly cities are cleaner, less congested and more sustainable.  With our longstanding partners Cycle Toronto and the Toronto Cycling Think and Do Tank, CultureLink has enabled more newcomers, students, and diverse residents of Toronto, to discover the benefits of cycling in safe, healthy and happy ways. With these funding announcements we will have opportunity to go further than ever before. Go team!