In August, SWIS collaborated with the Settlement Workers in Schools team to bring Spanish speaking clients to join a unique experience at the ROM MUSEUM Virtual Tour with the Krysta Sero Indigenous Museum Educator. It was an interactive visit where Indigenous perspectives and ancestral objects were explored. There are many different Indigenous nations on the land that is now known as Canada. Each culture is unique and is full of stories, learnings, practices, and traditions. Through this experience our newcomer clients gained an appreciation of a few Indigenous nations while highlighting the Daphne Cockwell Gallery at the ROM which is dedicated to the art and culture of the First Peoples.
This event included the participation of around 80 newcomer people who are preparing to do the Canadian citizenship test. It was an experience full of the fascinating Canadian history from the Indigenous perspective. We also like to highlight that there was interpretation in Spanish. Thanks to the collaboration of Amanda Pickup for making this activity a reality.