Interview Squad makes another dream job a reality

Interview Squad Participants
Ngoc Nga came to Canada full of hopes and dreams. As soon as she arrived in Toronto, she started looking for the tools that would help make her dreams come true – especially the dream of working in her field. She knew that being bilingual and having nine years of work experience was not enough. Although she was determined to create her own roadmap for success, it was clear that she couldn’t do it alone.

Interview Squad to the rescue

A colleague from school told her about the Interview Squad Program at CultureLink. Without much consideration, she joined the next available group. As part of the training sessions, all participants review their resumes and Linkedin profiles with the guidance of HR mentors. For Nga, this meant a jumpstart in her job search. Soon, a recruiter invited her to her first Canadian job interview. The team of Rescue Heroes, from the Interview Squad, stood by her side. She got enough practice to improve her interviewing skills and she was ready. As a result, not only did she land her first job in Canada, but she found her dream job as a Supply Chain Analyst. All of her efforts and determination paid off. With the support of the Interview Squad mentors, she achieved her first career goal.

To be continued…

When Nga got the job, she sent the following email to CultureLink:
“I would like to share with you a piece of very good news: I got the job of Supply Chain Analyst. This makes me so happy and I would like to thank you very much for organizing the Interview Squad Program. I learned many things with all the people you invited for the workshop, training and interview practices.”
Interview Squad participants
Nga is now well on her way on the road to success, but that’s not the end of the story. She doesn’t need to work on her interviewing skills anymore, but our team assigned her a mentor who will help ease her integration to the Canadian workplace culture.
And because we believe in giving back and paying it forward, we hope that Nga will come back to CultureLink as a mentor after settling in her new job.