June 19, 2013 CultureLink receives an award from Toronto Community Foundation’s Vital Toronto

CultureLink Settlement Services honoured with Vital Youth award at Vital
Toronto 2013

On June 19, 2013, CultureLink Settlement Services was honoured for its
receipt of a Vital Youth grant awarded by the Toronto Community
Foundation. Vital Youth enhances youth leadership through grants to
organizations offering high-quality recreation programs.  The awards
were distributed at the Toronto Community Foundation’s annual Vital
Toronto event, recognizing the achievements of a remarkable group of
people and organizations who are working to make Toronto an even better
city. Vital Toronto was hosted by Matt Galloway at CBC’s Glenn Gould

Toronto Community Foundation Board Chair, John B. MacIntyre (L), with
President & CEO, Rahul K. Bhardwaj, presented a commemorative award to
CultureLink Settlement Services.

Photo credit: Used with permission from Allan Kosmajac/44media.