Our live concert in Toronto and the special presentation at the Kennedy Centre in Washington D.C took place simultaneously on July 1st. I wish you were there at the Aga Khan Museum to share that memorable evening with us. In the latter part of the concert all audience members joined in to sing along – that was simply beautiful . Several parents in the audience were moved to tears to see their children shine on the stage. Feedback from the general public was also very positive. Ibrahim’s welcome speech was both nostalgic and forward-looking which lifted everyone’s spirit. All our children and musicians, including Mona Haydar, did a stunning job to earn waves of enthusiastic applauses throughout the concert.
Our staff Nadeen and Esmaeel worked very hard to make this happen. We are glad that Nai as the smallest and newest CultureLink program presented the organization the best way possible locally and internationally.
We are still sorting out the pictures and videos of our live concert in Toronto. Stay tuned to our news blog on Nai website. But now you are able to watch the full concert at the Kennedy Centre in Washington D.C. on July 1st where our choir was presented during the live concert despite us being unable to travel to do it in person. The Washington D.C. concert was livestreamed and is available on YouTube https://youtu.be/ou_jE4UB5Po . Because of our special circumstances, the Kennedy Centre made an extraordinary exception to allow us to recognize the organization behind the choir and the funders who’ve made our presence at the Kennedy Centre possible. So you can actually see the credits and logos at the end of our performance. There were about 2400 live audience in that concert.
Now our choir breaks for summer until end of July when we resume for a two-week full-time summer camp. Please continue sending us good vibes.
Thank you for your support. Have a wonderful summer!