The New Canadian Life Radio (NCLR), a new partnership between CJRU The Scope at Ryerson and CultureLink, has been approved for funding! The project will deliver 15 weeks of workshops in Radio Production and Programming geared towards new immigrants and refugees. Participants will learn audio production, music use, Foley, sound effects, voice and presentation skills. Most importantly, participants will have an opportunity to interview and engage with diverse populations in Toronto such as local politicians, musicians, activists and business leaders.
The goal of the workshops is to increase the rates of civic participation and volunteer engagement among newcomers through the production of local content for CJRU radio in the form of 15 original radio documentaries, 6 short interviews and one live show in each curricular block. This introduction to community radio provides participants with the support networks of other radio volunteers as they meet and share new ideas with their communities.
Lastly, the content, listening exercises and discussions are designed to orient participants towards community engagement, information and empowerment. Not only will newcomers gain radio production skills, they will have the opportunity to put the voice of newcomers over the CJRU airwaves and help promote programs, share personal stories and raise awareness among listeners of the experiences of newcomers in our great city.
Abdi Yousuf – Assistant Program Manager, SWIS