Research Partnership to Prevent Violence: Resilient Relationships among Newcomer Youth

Healthy relationships, based on respect and gender equity are fundamental to healthy, resilient communities. Promoting Resilient Relationships among Newcomer Youth is a partnership research project that will explore how newcomer youth invent, explore and negotiate gender roles and relations in Canada. This type of information is crucial to inform the development of newcomer specific policies and programs to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) and promote healthy relationships. The aim of this research is to better understand what influences newcomer youths’ perception of healthy relationships, particularly in the post-migration context.

Along with METRAC, the City of Toronto and SKETCH, CultureLink is currently engaged in the early stages of this important partnership research project support by the Dalai Lama Institute at the University of Toronto. Currently, the partnership is recruiting 80 newcomer youth to participate in focus groups to be held at partnership and other community organization locations. Youth between 14 and 24 years of age will be compensated for their participation with a $20.00 movie pass. Results of this research will also inform new development of METRAC’s Respect in Action (ReAct) peer program which builds youth leadership to end violence against women and youth. The flyer is attached to share among your networks.

Lisa Randall, SWIS Manager