Summer Settlement Program (SSP)

CultureLink Post Banner Summer 2021

Our Summer Settlement Program is back this July with many excellent activities planned for youth adults and families.

Orientation Sessions for Newcomer Families
July 7 & July 14 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm
Learn about events, activities and free resources for all of your family members as you settle in Canada.
For registration and more details, contact or 647-296-0947.

Youth Leadership Training
A training on leadership, positive habits, emotional resilience, relationship building, empathy & emotional intelligence, speaking, self advocacy.
For Permanent Resident and Protected Persons between the ages of 14 and 25.
July 7 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm – to register or for information contact or 437-288-9505.
July 9 & July 23 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm – to register fill out this form or contact or 647-283-0784.
July 15 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm – to register fill out this form or contact or  647-283-1065.

Financial Literacy Information Session
July 7 from 5:00 to 6:30 pm
Learn about income budgeting and savings, managing debt and credit history and the banking system.
To register, fill out this form or contact Shelina at 647-283-1065 or

Theatre Workshop for Newcomer Youth
July 14 & July 21 from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Interactive games and fun activities will help you gain important skills like teamwork, leadership and communications. For Permanent Resident and Convention Refugee Youth between 15 – 24 years of age.
To register, contact Rehmat at 647-406-5057 or

Rouge Park – Canada’s First National Urban Park.
Know Before You Go: Your First Froncountry Camping Trip
July 15 & July 22 from 3:30 to 4:30 pm
Learn the basics, from booking a camp site to the equipment you will need, cooking outdoors and wildlife considerations.
To register, fill out this Form or contact Yuhong at 647-282-9812 or

Mindful Parenting
Gauri Mukerjea, Mental Health Counsellor will explain Mindful Parenting, give us mindful parenting strategies and teach us how to manage anger and frustration.
July 20 from 5:00 to 6:00 pm
To register, contact Shelina at 647-283-1065 or

For the month of July, CultureLink runs an exciting, intensive Summer Settlement Program (SSP) that provides a range of orientations for newcomers across the lifespan. Our youth activities – to name a few –  include leadership and team-building workshops, youth theatre for leadership in St. Jamestown, a youth volunteer fair, several cycling orientations including bike rides around the community, urban outdoor orientations/walks in Fort York and Post-Secondary Conversations info fair and more.

A large, enthusiastic group of youth joined the SSP Theatre for Leadership in the St. Jamestown area. Youth had the fun, valuable opportunity to work with artist Kevin Chiao and learn theatre games and do dramatic role play to learn practical communication and leadership skills.

July featured our ‘Urban Orientation’ that took place at Fort York. Here, led by Heritage Toronto experts, newcomer youth learned about the many outdoor trails in the city as well as some of Toronto’s history amid the Fort remains located just north of the Exhibition Grounds. In keeping with CultureLink’s focus on Green Settlement with our Bike to School and Bike Host activities, the summer included several cycling orientations that focused on bike safety and exploring the community by bicycle. We aim to empower youth and families to take to the community and bike lanes to explore their new home city safely and joyfully.

Families were met at the Catholic Orientation Centre where parents received information for all family members to assist them in a speedy integration. Tibetan and Filipino adults and seniors were reached out to in many community locations where they received one-on-one settlement as well as health-related group orientations. To support the SSP activities, CultureLink actively partnered with upwards of 30 agencies – all invested in assisting newcomers in their integration process in their new home.

Written by Lisa Randall, Settlement Workers in Schools Program Manager