Throughout the heat of Summer 2018, our annual programs such as the Summer Settlement Program (SSP) kicked off with a bang; providing information and orientation to hundreds of newcomer students and parents. through activities that enhance newcomer self reliance and empowerment, our staff conducted dozens of information sessions, group workshops, summer camps and leadership and training sessions.
For example, many newcomer find it challenging to connect with available services when it comes to issues of safety and well being in the community; as part of our SSP program, an orientation session was held at Mimico Library, conducted in collaboration with Toronto Police Service, a comprehensive session was delivered on law and order, communications with law enforcement, youth and domestic violence issues, sexual harassment, YIPI program and much more. the session was designed to support newcomer stay our of trouble specially in the first few years of arrival when information and skills to communicate with law enforcement is at its lowest. Overall this was a great session with very useful information for the community.